The final chapter of Jesus Before Christianity is so wonderful
that I would love to quote the entire chapter! After concentrating on
looking at Jesus' humanity in all of the preceding chapters (1-18),
Albert Nolan focuses his final chapter on Jesus' divinity and the
implications of His being God.
There are two primary implications to Jesus being God that the author proposes:
1) We must allow Him to define what God is like (i.e., the way Jesus lived shows us exactly what God is like).
2) Acknowledgement that Jesus is God and Truth means to live like He
lived, understanding the world and times that we live in just as He
understood the world and times that He lived in.
Speaking of the early church's response to Jesus after his life and death and resurrection, Nolan says, "The movement was pluriform,
indeed amorphous and haphazard. Its only unity or point of cohesion was
the personality of Jesus himself...Everyone felt that despite his death
Jesus was still leading, guiding and inspiring them...Jesus remained
present and active through the presence and activity of his Spirit...Jesus was everything...Their admiration and veneration for him knew no bounds. He
was in every way the ultimate, the only criterion of good and evil and
of truth and falsehood, the only hope for the future, the only power
which could transform the world...Jesus was experienced as the breakthrough in the history of humanity. He transcended everything that had ever been said and done before. He was in every way the ultimate, the last word. He was on a par with God. His word was God's word. His Spirit was God's Spirit. His feelings were God's feelings...
"To believe in Jesus today is to agree with this assessment of
him...To believe that Jesus is divine is to choose to make him and what
he stands for your God...By
his words and his praxis, Jesus himself changed the content of the word
'God.' If we do not allow him to change our image of God, we will not
be able to say that he is our Lord and our God. To choose him as
our God is to make him the source of our information about divinity and
to refuse to superimpose upon him our own ideas of divinity...Jesus
reveals God to us, God does not reveal Jesus to us...if
we accept Jesus as divine, we must reinterpret the Old Testament from
Jesus' point of view and we must try to understand the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob in the way in which Jesus did..."
The author masterfully sums up the implications of Jesus being God: "We have seen what Jesus was like. If we now wish to treat him as our God, we would have to conclude that our
God does not want to be served by us, but wants to serve us; God does
not want to be given the highest possible rank and status in our
society, but wants to take the lowest place and to be without any rank
and status; God does not want to be feared and obeyed, but wants to
be recognized in the sufferings of the poor and the weak; God is not
supremely indifferent and detached, but is irrevocably committed to the
liberation of humankind, for God has chosen to be identified with all
people in a spirit of solidarity and compassion. If this is not a
true picture of God, then Jesus is not divine. If this is a true picture
of God, then God is more truly human, more thoroughly humane, than any
human being...
"Jesus was immeasurably more human than other human beings, and that
is what we value above all other things when we recognize him as divine,
when we acknowledge him as our Lord and our God."
If we accept that Jesus is God then the way He lived His life on earth is how we must live ours: "In
the last analysis faith is not a way of speaking or a way of thinking,
it is a way of living and can only be adequately articulated in a living
praxis...The beginning of faith in Jesus is the attempt to read the
signs of our times as Jesus read the signs of his times...we can begin
to analyze our times in the same spirit as he analyzed his times. We
would have to begin, as Jesus did, with compassion - for the starving
millions, for those who are humiliated and rejected, and for the
billions of the future who will suffer because of the way we live
"Searching for the signs of the times in the spirit of Jesus, then,
will mean recognizing all the forces that are working against humanity
as the forces of evil...We shall have to try to understand the
structures of evil in the world as it is today. How much have we been
basing ourselves upon the worldly values of money, possessions,
prestige, status, privilege, power and upon the group solidarities of
family, race, class, party, religion and nationalism? To make these our
supreme values is to have nothing in common with Jesus."
Nolan concludes his book with one final challenge: "There is an
incentive that can mobilize the world, enable the 'haves' to lower their
standard of living and make us only too willing to redistribute the
world's wealth and its population. It is the same drive and incentive that motivated Jesus: compassion and faith...With
this kind of approach to the problems of our time one will surely come
to recognize the impending catastrophe as a unique opportunity for the
coming of the 'kingdom.'...God is speaking to us in a new way today. Jesus can help us to understand the voice of Truth..."
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 8 - Implications of the Divinity of Jesus)
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 7 - The Silent Truth that Judges Every Human Being)
Chapter 18 of Jesus Before Christianity is about Jesus' trial by Rome and the collaboration of the Jewish leaders with Rome. Nolan looks at the charges "which
they could have brought against Jesus, the charges which they actually
did bring against him and the real motives for wanting to destroy
him...Jesus could have been charged with deliberately breaking the
Sabbath or practicing magic (casting out devils by the power of Satan);
he was actually charged with claiming to be the Messiah-king; and the
real motive, according to Mark followed by Matthew, was envy or
He points out that because these distinctions aren't maintained
consistently by the gospel writers, there is confusion about this. The
author also distinguishes between the part played by Rome and the part
played by the Jewish leaders in Jesus' sentencing and death: "Jesus was tried, sentenced and executed by the Roman court. But the
gospel writers, like all early Christians, endeavored to make it quite
clear that, in spite of this, the Jewish leaders were more to blame for
Jesus' death than the Romans."
In the confusing reports by the gospel writers, there is one thing
certain which is that Jesus' claim to be the Messiah or king of the Jews
is the only thing that He was charged with by Rome and it was Rome that
carried out the crucifixion. (The Jews had no authority to do this.)
A remarkable thing about Jesus' trial is that He never defended Himself. No matter what He was accused of or who accused Him, He remained silent. "Jesus stood there without a word, putting everyone else to the test. The truth of the matter is that it was not Jesus who was on trial. His betrayers and accusers were on trial before him. His silence puzzled, disturbed, questioned and tested them. Their words were turned back at them and they condemned themselves out of their own mouths."
The chapter ends with a summary of all those who were tested and judged by the killing of Jesus: the High Priest Caiaphas and his associates who collaborated with Rome to save their nation and their own skin and positions rather than defend Jesus; the scribes, Pharisees and others who knowingly rejected His 'kingdom' of the poor'; the disciples of Jesus who betrayed him (Judas), denied him (Peter) and forsook him (all the rest); Jesus Himself was tested and tried severely in the garden before His death...
"Jesus alone was able to accept the challenge of the hour. It set him above everyone else as the silent truth that judges every human being. Jesus died alone as the only person who had been able to survive the test. Everyone else failed and yet everyone else was given another chance..."
Friday, July 16, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 6 - The Man Who Emerges)
The next two chapters (16,17) of Jesus Before Christianity look at how Jesus viewed suffering and death and at the uniqueness of Jesus as a man.
In chapter 16 Nolan says that Jesus viewed suffering and death differently than the Jews: "The
Jews had a long tradition of persecution and suffering. Theoretically
the righteous person always suffered on account of his or her
righteousness, and every faithful Jew was willing to die rather than
disobey the law...The early Christians did not invent the idea of
martyrdom nor the idea of an atoning and redemptive death; it was part
of their Jewish heritage..."
The author goes on to say,
"The Maccabean martyrs died for the law; the Zealots died to defend the
sovereignty of Israel's God; other people have been willing to die for
other causes. Jesus did not die for a cause. As he understood it, one should be willing to give up one's life for exactly the same reason as one gives up possessions, prestige, family and power, namely for others...Jesus
was fully alive because he was willing to suffer and die not for a
cause but for people...It is a willingness to die for all people. The
willingness to die for some people would be an expression of group
solidarity. The willingness to die for humankind is an expression of
universal solidarity...(it) is a service rendered to all people."
And Jesus knew that in order to be in solidarity with suffering people,
He would have to suffer, meaning He would have to come out of hiding and
face those who were seeking to get rid of Him.
Chapter 17 is a beautiful chapter about the uniqueness of Jesus. Nolan says that "there are no traces of fear in Jesus. He
was not afraid of creating a scandal or losing his reputation or even
losing his life...even John the Baptist (was) scandalized by the way he
mixed socially with sinners, by the way he seemed to enjoy their
company, by his permissiveness with regard to the laws, by his apparent
disregard for the seriousness of sin and by his free and easy way of
treating God. He soon acquired what we would call a bad reputation..."
Much of chapter 17 focuses on how, unlike all others, Jesus insisted on not using any titles for Himself: "Jesus'
courage, fearlessness and independence made people of that age ask
again and again, 'Who is this man?' It is significant that Jesus never
answers the question. There is no evidence that he ever laid claim to
any of the exalted titles which the Church later attributed to him."
Jesus wanted nothing to do with the whole idea of acting and speaking 'with authority' (the right to be obeyed by others): "...did
Jesus claim authority, any kind of authority at all, even implicitly?
Would it not be closer to the truth to say that what makes Jesus
immeasurably greater than any other human being is precisely the fact
that he spoke and acted without authority and that he regarded the
'exercise of authority' as a pagan characteristic...
was unique among the people of his time in his ability to overcome all
forms of authority-thinking. The only authority which Jesus might be
said to have appealed to was the authority of the truth itself. He did
not make authority his truth, he made truth his authority...(He) did not
expect others to obey him; he expected them to 'obey' the truth, to
live truthfully..."
The chapter ends saying, "The secret of Jesus' infallible insight
and unshakeable convictions was his unfailing experience of solidarity
with God, which revealed itself as an experience of solidarity with
humanity and nature. This made him a uniquely liberated man, uniquely
courageous, fearless, independent, hopeful and truthful. What would make anyone want to destroy such a man?..."
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 5 - Jesus "De-apocalyptized")
The next section of Albert Nolan's Jesus Before Christianity
looks at Jesus and why He became such a target for both the Jewish
leaders and for Rome. The author looks at the man Jesus without
"apocalyptizing" Him and His teachings; in other words, Nolan is
attempting to peer into how the people in Jesus' day would have
understood Him and how He Himself understood things before His followers
later interpreted His life and words through an "end-of-the-world"
Chapter 13 looks at "politics and religion". The fact that Jesus
of Nazareth was killed for high treason by Rome did not make Him unique,
because many thousands of Jewish revolutionaries were crucified by the
Roman rulers of that day. Although the revolution that Jesus wanted
certainly involved liberation of the Jews from oppressive rulers, His
greater concern was that Israel have a change of heart. "As Jesus
saw it, the only way to be liberated from your enemies was to love your
enemies, to do good to those who hate you, to pray for those who treat
you badly. This is not a matter of resigning oneself to Roman oppression; nor is it a matter of trying to kill them with kindness. It is a matter of reaching down to the root cause of all oppression and domination: humanity's lack of compassion. If
the people of Israel were to continue to lack compassion, would the
overthrowing of the Romans make Israel any more liberated than before? If
the Jews continued to live off the worldly values of money, prestige,
group solidarity and power, would the Roman oppression not be replaced
by an equally loveless Jewish oppression?..."
Unlike what many of us have been led to believe about the man Jesus, the men of His day would not have "thought of him as an eminently religious man who steered clear of politics and revolution. They
would have seen him as a blasphemously irreligious man who under the
cloak of religion was undermining all the values upon which religion,
politics, economics and society were based...
"He disapproved of (Rome's) way of 'making their authority felt' and
their way of 'lording it over their subjects'. But he envisaged changing
this by changing Israel so that Israel could present the Romans with a
living example of the values and ideals of the 'kingdom.'"
Chapter 14 deals with the dramatic confrontation between Jesus
and the Jewish leaders which was the turning point in Jesus' life: the
Temple incident. The gospels are confusing concerning when this took
place, but Nolan cites sources and proposes that it took place early in
Jesus' public ministry as told in the gospel of John (rather than just
before His death). Because of this angry demonstration by Jesus towards
the economic exploitation of the people's devotion and piety by the
Temple system (an example of this is the widow giving her last penny),
Jesus and His disciples were forced to change their whole way of life
because of the danger they were in.
Jesus had been preaching about the need for Israel's change of heart in
order to escape the coming catastrophe (destruction of Jerusalem), but it
was this confrontation in the Temple that made Him a figure of national
importance and forced the leaders to make a decision about taking
action concerning Him. They were further worried about the fact that
He seemed to have great influence over the people. All of this caused
Jesus to avoid going to Jerusalem and also to Galilee (Herod was after
Him too) and when He did go to Jerusalem, it was under cover.
In chapter 15, the author proposes that there were two main
temptations to violence for Jesus in the form of two particular
incidents that Nolan views as attempts to get Jesus to take on the role
of Messiah and lead an overthrow of Rome. (These would have been during
the time of His hiding from and avoiding the authorities.) The first
incident was the gathering of 4-5,000 men on the deserted hills near
Bethsaida, which Nolan suggests may have likely been a gathering of men
to persuade Him to lead them in a rebellion against Rome. (This
gathering is typically known for the miracle of the loaves and
The second incident was with Peter; a strong quarrel ensued over Jesus'
talking about rejection and suffering while Peter saw the perfect
opportunity to seize power and become Messiah. These were real
temptations and while there were likely practical reasons why Jesus knew
such a revolution would never work, there was a greater reason for not
yielding: "To have accepted the kingship over a people who had not
transferred their allegiance to the 'kingdom' of God and to lead such
people in battle was to play into the hands of Satan. It would have
meant accepting power from Satan over a 'kingdom' which was itself
without any loyalty to the 'kingdom' of God and encouraging them to use
violence against another, albeit more godless kingdom. Nothing could be
achieved for God's 'kingdom' in this way...Jesus would presumably have
been willing to be Messiah-king if Israel had changed its ways and the
'kingdom' of God had come. Messiahship would then not have been a title
of honor, prestige and power but a form of service, and the Gentiles
would then have been brought into the 'kingdom' not by the power of the
sword but by the power of faith and compassion."
We'll cover chapters 16, 17, and 18 in the next post; these chapters
continue to look at what made Jesus such a target in His day and why He
was crucified.
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 4 - Jesus' Good News about a Very Different Kingdom)
The third section of Jesus Before Christianity is comprised of
seven chapters (chapters 6 through 12) about "Good News" in which the
author focuses on the "kingdom of God" and how utterly different it is
from all of the kingdoms of this world.
In chapter 6 Nolan writes of how Jesus understood the kingdom of
God; the most common ways Jesus talked about the kingdom of God was
through the pictures of a household or a walled city: "The fact that
his way of speaking about the 'kingdom' is based upon a pictorial image
of a house, a city or a community leaves no doubt about what he had in
mind: a politically structured society of people here on earth. A
'kingdom' is a thoroughly political notion...The difference is between a
community of humankind in which evil reigns supreme and a community of
humankind in which goodness reigns supreme...Jesus was convinced that
the 'kingdom' of God would eventually triumph over the 'kingdom' of
Satan and replace that 'kingdom' here on earth."
The next four chapters are chapters dealing with the value system of
God's kingdom and how radically different God views these matters; the
author presents all of this in light of the world Jesus lived in and
gives wonderful insights to what Jesus' words and actions meant in His
- Chapter 7: The "Kingdom" and Money
- Chapter 8: The "Kingdom" and Prestige
- Chapter 9: The "Kingdom" and Solidarity
- Chapter 10: The "Kingdom" and Power
Jesus was announcing that there was coming a time qualitatively different from anything that went before. "It will be a qualitatively new time, not a new measurement of time" (as we westerners would assume)...The newness of Jesus' time can hardly be exaggerated." We are not to confuse John the Baptist's message (of doom) with Jesus message (of good news). "Goodness is triumphing over evil. God has relented and is no longer intent upon punishing the people. God now wants to save them..." This can be seen in all that Jesus did and said: "God has come down from the heavenly throne, the highest position of prestige in the world, to be intimately close to men, women and children, who may now address God as abba...The success of the cures and of all Jesus' liberating activity showed him that God felt with those who suffer, that God wanted to live in solidarity with humanity and to use the godly power to serve them and protect them."
In chapter 12 Nolan concludes this long section on "good news" by talking about the coming of the 'kingdom' as miraculous: "In view of the extraordinarily high values that are supposed to reign supreme in this 'kingdom', it should not be difficult to appreciate that its coming would be a miracle...This kind of 'kingdom' can only come, it cannot be built...The 'kingdom' itself cannot be achieved, it must be received - as a gift."
Although Jesus didn't know the time of the coming kingdom, the urgency in His preaching was because He understood that if there was no repentance, for sure a catastrophe would come; and the catastrophe did come with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 CE, to be followed with a merciless massacre in 135 CE when the Romans completely destroyed the nation of Israel and expelled the Jews from Palestine.
"Jesus' message, like the message of any prophet, was not timeless. Nevertheless it did point to something about humanity and God that was so fundamentally and definitively true that it could be re-interpreted in relation to other times and other places...We can see the beginnings of this process of apocalyptizing the the gospel of Mark...Matthew takes the process very much further..."
Nolan ends the chapter by saying that in order for us to recover what Jesus meant to the people of His day (before Christianity), we need to read the gospels without the "apocalyptized" process being applied to them. He attempts to do this in the following chapters.
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 3 - Jesus, Friend of 'Sinners')
Following up from the previous post, The Significance of Jesus' Identification with John the Baptist, we'll look at the section of Albert Nolan's book, Jesus Before Christianity,
that deals with the activity of Jesus in light of the conditions of
humanity in His world. There are three chapters in this section
(chapters 3,4, and 5).
In chapter three Nolan tells about the sort of people that Jesus gave
most of His attention to. Scripture uses the following descriptors for
them: "the poor, the blind, the lame, the crippled, the lepers, the
hungry, the miserable (those who weep), sinners, prostitutes, tax
collectors, demoniacs, the persecuted, the downtrodden, the captives,
all who labor and are overburdened, the rabble who know nothing of the
law, the crowds, the little ones, the least, the last and the babes or
the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
The author gives a description of the different classes in society in
that day and says that Jesus was from the middle class (not to be
mistaken for what we call "middle class" today). "The remarkable
thing about Jesus was that, although he came from the middle class and
had no appreciable disadvantages himself, he mixed socially with the
lowest of the low and identified himself with them. He became an outcast
by choice."
Nolan's main point in chapter 3 is that "what made Jesus different was the unrestrained compassion he felt for the poor and the oppressed."
chapters 4 and 5 Nolan continues to explore Jesus' actions towards the
disenfranchised by looking at healing and forgiveness. Chapter 4
contains some very interesting insights on His healing work, pointing
out how different Jesus' approach to healing was from other healers of
His time.
5 is about forgiveness and how Oriental people of the first century
looked at sin and its link with sickness and trouble. This is a
beautiful chapter about Jesus' friendship with "sinners" and how He
enjoyed being with them and they with Him.
"It would be impossible to
overestimate the impact these (festive) meals must have had upon the
poor and the sinners. By accepting them as friends and equals Jesus had
taken away their shame, humiliation and guilt. By showing them that they
mattered to him as people, he gave them a sense of dignity and released
them from their captivity...Moreover, because Jesus was looked upon as a
man of God and a prophet, they would have interpreted his gesture of
friendship as God's approval of them. They were now acceptable to God.
Their sinfulness, ignorance and uncleanness had been overlooked and were
no longer held against them....There can be no doubt that Jesus was a
remarkably cheerful person and that his joy, like his faith and hope,
was infectious...The poor and the oppressed and anyone else who was not
too hung up on 'respectability' found the company of Jesus a liberating
experience of sheer joy...He made them feel safe and secure...His very
presence had liberated them."
healing and forgiving and befriending the disenfranchised, Jesus had no
motivation to prove anything but was simply moved by deep compassion.
Monday, July 12, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 2 - Significance of Jesus' Identification with John the Baptist)
In the first chapter of Jesus Before Christianity, Nolan paints a
word picture of the world we live in today and of the world that Jesus
was born into; he proposes that the times we live in now bear
similarities to the days of Jesus, although what we face is on a much
larger scale. Both then and now there is an awareness and sense that the
world is on the brink of disaster, headed toward a hell on earth.
The following is a summary statement by Nolan about the world we live in:"...What
we are up against is not people but the impersonal forces of a system
which has its own momentum and its own dynamics...We have built up an
all-inclusive political and economic system based upon certain
assumptions and values and now we are beginning to realize that this
system is not only counter-productive - it has brought us to the brink
of disaster - but it has also become our master. Nobody seems to be able
to change it or control it. The most frightening discovery of all is
that there is nobody at the helm and that the impersonal machine that we have so carefully designed will drag us along inexorably to our destruction." The
author's concern is that we look at how Jesus was in His difficult
world in order to understand how we must be with Him in our world.
In chapter two the author shows why it was significant that Jesus
identified with John the Baptist rather than with any of the Jewish
religious groups that existed in His day: the Zealots (open rebels against Rome), Pharisees (moralistic group whose interest was in reforming Israel), Sadducees (chief priests/ruling upper class who collaborated with the Romans endeavoring to maintain the status quo), the Essenes
(who believed they were the only faithful remnant of Israel and
separated themselves from society in response to the belief that the end
of the world was near), scribes and scholars (most of whom were Pharisees but not priests), and apocalyptic writers
(anonymous seers/visionaries who believed that the secrets of God's
plans for humanity and the end of the world had been revealed to them).
Nolan says the following about John the Baptist and Jesus:
"In the midst of all these religio-political movements and
speculations there was one man who stood out as a sign of contradiction.
John the Baptist was different precisely because he was a prophet...a
prophet of doom and destruction...There had been no prophet in Israel
for a very long time. The spirit of prophecy had been quenched. God was
silent...This silence was broken by the voice of John the Baptist in
the wilderness...God's fiery judgment upon Israel would be executed,
according to John, by a human being. John spoke of him as 'the one who
is to come'...
the Baptist was the only person in that society who impressed
Jesus...the very fact of his baptism by John is conclusive proof of his
acceptance of John's basic prophecy: Israel was heading for an
unprecedented catastrophe. And in choosing to believe this prophecy,
Jesus immediately shows himself to be in basic disagreement with all
those who reject John and his baptism: the Zealots, Pharisees, Essenes,
Sadducees, scribes and apocalyptic writers. None of these groups would
have been willing to believe a prophet who...prophesied against all
Israel...Jesus (himself) repeated this prophecy again and again
throughout his life...
"There can be no doubt that Jesus did prophesy the destruction of
Jerusalem by the Romans...The very thought of it made Jesus weep (Lk.
19:41)...But what was he to do about it?"
The following chapters deal with what Jesus did about it in practice.
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity (Part 1 - Jesus Belongs to All Humanity)
As stated in my previous post, I will be doing a series of posts with quotes from the book, Jesus Before Christianity,
by Albert Nolan. I will only give "teasers";
some of the quotes will be controversial to some readers and won't be
fully understandable without reading the full text, but perhaps it may
whet the appetite for more.
Nolan says the following in speaking about this book in particular:
about Jesus will be presupposed or assumed. The reader is invited to
take a serious and honest look at a man who lived in first-century
Palestine and to try to see him through the eyes of his contemporaries.
My interest is in the man as he was before he became the object of
Christian faith...
"...the book was (not) written for the apologetic purpose of defending the Christian faith. No attempt has been made to save Jesus or the Christian faith. Jesus does not need me or anyone else
to save him...If our search for the truth leads us to faith in Jesus,
then it will not be because we have tried to save this faith at all
costs, but because we have discovered it as the only way in which we can be 'saved' or liberated..."
The following is a quote from the opening chapter:
cannot be fully identified with that great religious phenomenon of the
Western world known as Christianity. He was much more than the founder
of one of the world's great religions. He stands above Christianity as
the judge of all it has done in his name. Nor can historical
Christianity claim him as its exclusive possession. Jesus belongs to all
Saturday, July 10, 2021
Jesus Before Christianity
In recent days I've been thinking again about the book Jesus Before Christianity by Albert Nolan. It's one of those landmark books that come at a key moment of growth and has had a profound influence on me.
Seven years ago I wrote a few blog posts summarizing it, and this week as I remembered it afresh, I was struck again with the man Jesus. So I'm going to republish the old posts again this week. Below is the introduction I wrote to the book; I'll post each of the following 8 parts daily after this:
The greatest joy of my retirement years has been pursuing knowing God in
Jesus. While this has been a primary pursuit for most of my life, in
the five years since I retired, I've had the opportunity to step away
from the confines of "Christendom" and discover a wide and boundless
ocean of love and goodness in God as manifested in Christ Jesus beyond
that which I had ever known before.
continue to be awestruck by this Person, Jesus of Nazareth, in
ever-increasing measure! It's like opening a door into the wonder of
such a person only to find another door to walk through into more of His
beauty, and that door opening into another door...and on and on.
One of the recommendations on the back of the book says, "If you are going to read only one book on Jesus this year, this is the one."
In the next little while, I'll share bits and pieces from the book but I highly recommend you read it all...
Uncontrolling Love (4) - When God is a Child, None Shall be Afraid
In the chapter, "God is a Baby", of Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God , Ricardo Gouvea speaks about the coming of God as an ...
This week we'll cover the first two chapters of N.T. Wright's book, Simply Jesus . These chapters are part of the first section abou...
Continuing this series on the uncontrolling love of God ( Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God ), I'm quoting from Patricia Adams ...
In chapter three, N.T.Wright describes the "perfect storm" that is swirling around Jesus today; in chapters four and five he uses ...