Saturday, August 11, 2007


Knowing God and growing in the knowledge of His love and affections is the greatest experience a human can have!

Because of the times we live in and the increase of stress and pressure, the believer in Jesus must be encountering His love ongoingly in order to walk through our days with a tender and warm heart. Coldheartedness is a common malady among God's people, and I believe that it comes (at least in great part) because of allowing little offenses to accumulate. Little by little our hearts get callous, and it's usually so gradual that we aren't aware that we are getting hardened.

I recently was with a group of Korean missionary trainees in Vancouver, and as I was in prayer and waiting on the Lord before meeting with them, the cry arose in my heart: "Lord, help me never speak of you with a cold and dull heart!"

Because I am increasingly aware of how easy it is to grow cold in my love for God (and consequently for others as well), I make it a practice to intentionally take time to allow the Holy Spirit to search me and show me any little (or big) issue that has transpired in my life that I need to ask forgiveness for or that I need to forgive someone for.

If done with regularity, this doesn't have to take a lot of time.

The Lord bless you and cause His face (smile) to shine on you this week! He longs to show you His affections for that place of knowing we are always loved by Him, no matter what, we will be empowered to speak of Him with burning hearts!

Holy Spirit, You Who burn with passion for Jesus, come and keep our hearts warm and tender toward God so that when we speak of Him, others will want Him. Thank You that You can do this and that You love to do it!

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