Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good News about God: The Lord our Refuge

Psalm 142:5 "I cry to you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.'"

Human history is full of stories of God's love expressed through His miraculous protection of His children in very tangible ways. Over and over He protected His people Israel from her enemies, and He provided divine protection for David and Elijah and Paul and many others throughout human history in a variety of ways.

There is another dimension to His being our Refuge that is just as real, though not as visible; and that is His protection of our hearts and minds in the spiritual conflicts that we continually encounter in this age.

Psalm 142 from which the verse above is taken is David's cry to God for refuge and protection from his enemies; he recognizes his vulnerability ("no refuge remains for me") and that his enemies were "too strong for me." He felt his need of greater protection than a cave in the side of the mountain. From there he cries out to God, "You are my refuge..."

As I thought on this good news that the Lord is our refuge, I kept thinking about the woman in John 8 who was accused of committing adultery and on the verge of being stoned. Jesus was her Refuge! He protected her by placing His own body between her and her accusers; He stood in the place of vulnerability to take the beating of the stones rather than she. Through this action He foreshadowed the ultimate place of refuge, the cross. There He took all of the accusations and attacks of the evil one into Himself, thereby providing Himself as our Refuge, our place of protection and shelter. All that is hurled at us is blocked by Him if we are in Him by faith.

The prophet Isaiah (chapter 28) spoke of a "precious Cornerstone", a tested Stone, that God has laid as a foundation in Zion in whom God's people are to trust and believe. He spoke of this chosen Cornerstone after denouncing the leaders for "making lies their refuge and taking shelter in falsehood." He calls them to make this sure and tested Cornerstone their refuge rather than lies and falsehood.

As I continue to know the true and living God more, I realize how I have sought refuge in half-truths about Him. When the increasing pressures of life bear down, these half-truths about who He really is aren't enough to carry me through. If I think wrongly about Him, my soul can't find refuge and protection in Him, but as I grow in correct understanding of Him as He really is, I am protected and sheltered from the accusations and attacks of the evil one.

Demonic activity will increase as we approach the end, and our understanding of the Lord our Refuge will be increasingly real and precious to us. May we be as the woman found in adultery and accept His protection and not try to face and debate our pursuers who "are too strong for me" but who are no match for Jesus! His name is a strong tower into which we run for protection.

Lord, Spirit of God, would You put the name of Jesus on our hearts and our lips continually as we encounter increasing opposition to You and Your kingdom in the days ahead? Jesus, "YOU ARE MY REFUGE", we say with Your servant David and all of Your saints throughout the ages. Thank You that Your name reflects Who You really are, and in You is our protection and shelter from the lies of the enemy!

Scriptures for meditation:
John 8:1-11; Isaiah 28:14-22; Psalm 142:5; 141:8; 16:1; 46:1; 62:8; 94:22; Joel 3:16.

1 comment:

  1. A mysterious person...10:52 AM

    Sorry to say, but your blog looks sort of boring, no offence, but more picture would attract more people to read. And that is what you're aiming for, right?

    Yours Sincerly

    A mysterious person.


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