Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's the Greatest...?

When I read this blog post by Frank Viola today (http://frankviola.org/2012/04/30/measuringyourself/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wordpress%2Fviola+%28Beyond+Evangelical%29, I thought of the little ditty from Snow White: "Mirror, mirror on the wall; who's the 'greatest' of them all?" (my version). I was so impressed by Viola's post that I decided to send it out on my blog with my comments on it here.

The reason I was blessed by this is that there have been many times that I have considered not continuing with this blog, and I always come back to this: as long as I sense that the Lord wants me to continue, I will. So with Frank's post in mind, I thought I'd share why I continue to write:

First and foremost, it's an issue of simple obedience to what I believe the Lord is saying to do. That's enough for me. Having said that, now that I have done this for several years, I am seeing some side benefits to it, which are:
1. It's good practice for me as I age, keeping me alert and "exercising" my mind and heart.
2. It keeps me exploring books in different genres, causing my heart and mind to expand in love and understanding.
3. It's a good way to continue practicing putting shape and form to my thoughts and feelings.
4. By writing random thoughts from time to time, it's a lazy way to write a disjointed, unorganized "book" in fits and starts and bits and pieces.
5. I believe that even if no one reads what I write, putting this out in the blogosphere is a way of adding my voice to the choir of countless voices of adoration and praise to Jesus the King and Lord of the nations.

If once in awhile someone is encouraged along the way or challenged to rethink Jesus and His kingdom, I'm very grateful. The day that I believe I should no longer write in this way, I will not continue. Meanwhile, I do it with joy and love for Him!

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