Thursday, January 03, 2013

Reminder - Next Book: Telling God's Story, a Parents' Guide to Teaching the Bible

A reminder that sometime this month I'll begin to go through Peter Enns' book, Telling God's Story. For those of you who may not have seen my blog post of a few weeks ago about this, I'm re-posting it below:

I'm reading a wonderful book by Peter Enns about how to teach the Bible to children. Because I'm concerned with how I was raised to think about the Bible (see introductory post on The Bible Made Impossible -, I have a strong desire to see children raised now with a better idea of what the purpose of the Scripture is and thereby later in life find the Bible able to stand under scrutiny rather than to find it a stumbling block when doubts about it arise.  (Statistics show that young adults are leaving the faith in huge numbers now, and one reason for that is their sincere questions and doubts about what the Bible is presented to be by their parents and Bible teachers.)

I also have great respect for Peter Enns whose writings have had significant influence on me in the very recent years, particularly as they relate to what God's intentions were in giving us His Word.

For these reasons I'd like to go through his book, Telling God's Story, a Parents' Guide to Teaching the Bible.  It's available at

My prayer is that those who are raising and/or teaching children would find this book a blessing and encouragement.

(I hope to begin this early in 2013.)

1 comment:

Selling Water by the River (3) - Jesus Does Not Bind Himself to any Religion

In his chapter about "wind and sails" in  Selling Water by the River , Shane Hipps shows how Jesus went out of His way to disregar...