Thursday, April 24, 2014

George MacDonald: What the Human Heart Most Searches For...

George MacDonald has this to say about searching for God and what most obscures our view of Him. Speaking of a character in one of his novels, MacDonald says the following:

"...his soul was searching after One whose form was constantly presented to him, but as constantly obscured by the words without knowledge spoken in the religious assemblies of the land. Little did he realize that he was longing without knowing it on Saturday for that from which on Sunday he would be repelled, again without knowing it...

"The greatest obscuration of the words of the Lord comes from those who give themselves to interpret rather than do them. Theologians have done more to hide the Gospel of Christ than any of its adversaries (have)..."

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Uncontrolling Love (4) - When God is a Child, None Shall be Afraid

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