Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Thoughts for Lent (8) - Until

This reading from A Way Other Than Our Own is based on Psalm 73:15-17 and Luke 15:17. Walter Brueggemann sees the prodigal son story that Jesus tells as a commentary on Psalm 73. He links the phrase, "until I went into the sanctuary..." of Psa. 73 with the phrase, "when he came to himself" of Luke 15. 

Brueggemann says of this turning point in the life of the prodigal son: 

"He comes to himself in his true identity. He comes to himself as a beloved son of the father...(in) his 'until' (moment), he recognizes that his father was the only one he wanted to be with. It did not matter any more that his older brother got the farm as his 'portion,' because the father is the son's 'portion' and the only thing he wants in heaven or on earth.

"The son 'coming to himself' is a decision grounded in the father's love that permits him to slough off his false self and become, finally, who he is...Jesus fully understood the psalm. Indeed, Jesus' engagement in ministry is, among other things, that we should be weaned from the seductions of commodity for the gift of communion, a presence that leaves us in joy and well-being."

Dear Abba, may we have such a grounding in your parent love that we experience "until" and "coming to ourself" moment(s) which empower us to throw off the false self and become who we truly are - your beloved daughter/son whose greatest desire is you...Amen.

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