Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Safer Subject - Part 2

The safer subject of the unstoppable, unrelenting, unfailing, never-ending love of God that I wrote about last week can only be understood in the cross of His Son, Jesus. In the sacrificial offering of Himself on our behalf, God in Christ has made clear that He is for us at whatever cost to Himself!

As C.S. Lewis says, God's love for us sinners is a much more secure ground to stand on than our love for Him which, though real, fluctuates at times; therefore we can only find our hearts anchored in peace as we contemplate His love rather than ours.

Because of our fallenness, we are severely bent towards contemplating just about everything else but His love, so it is only a mighty work of the Spirit in our lives that empowers us to look at Him. So how do we contemplate God and His love?

First, ask the Spirit of Jesus to strengthen the 'yes' in your spirit toward His love so that the proneness toward not believing His goodness and love is corrected with each 'yes.'

Then study the cross by simply taking time to read and/or listen to the portions in Scripture about Jesus' death and resurrection (the Gospels and Isaiah 53, etc.). See yourself and your sin and the sins of others against you in Him as He died. Ask the Lord to help you understand your personal role in His crucifixion and death so that you get a glimpse of Your value to Him (Rom.5:8 "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.").

And finally, learn to contemplate His love in all of life; ask the Spirit to help you see the daily little comments or incidents or events through the lens of the cross. Develop the ability to see the love and affection of the Father coming at you constantly, even in the difficulties which come sifted through His deep desire for you and for your ultimate well-being in Him.

As we think/contemplate on this "safer subject" and drink deeply of that well, the overflow of His love will spill out onto Him and others!

Grace and peace to you this week in Him!

1 comment:

  1. Nate Love Knowles11:16 PM

    CS Lewis is right, when we just focus on jesus and nothing else, nothing else compares to the goodness, of his blessings he bestows on us for doing so, a complete satsified work he does for good measure and makes sure it is rubbed in, so we realize it could even be calvism, that are anchor will hold us into heaven permantely, if like bungiejumping with no way to ever be broken from that rope, even if it was tarnished by a flaw, a man made mistake, to return to him, up on the bridge, this is salvation, before we jump, relaizing we been born again, never to die again, to die is to be present with Christ a reality that puts this one to shame.


Lent - Day 4

"Above all, trust in the slow work of God... It is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through stages of instability... ...