Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Safer Subject: The Unstoppable, Unrelenting, Unfailing, Never-ending Love of God

This week I want to share a short story from my life of some years ago that was a pivotal moment in my growth in understanding what God is like. While I certainly knew the love of God in my life before this, the revelation of His love for me in this particular moment hit me unlike ever before and it set me on a path that I've been on ever since.

I had gotten sick just before leaving on a flight for Mexico City, and I got worse in the following days after arriving there. One night the pain in my body reached a point where I wasn't sure if I'd make it through the night. As I lay in bed hardly able to move at all and feeling like I might die, everything became clear and black and white to me; I sensed the Lord asking me, "Nita, what is the one thing you are most sure about?" Without hesitating, I answered, "...that I love You, Lord."

I sensed that He was pleased with that answer but He responded with this: "That's good but there is something more important, and that is that I love you!" In that moment the eyes of my heart were opened to the reality that what is most trustworthy and sure is the unstoppable, unrelenting, unfailing, never-ending love of my heavenly Father.

C.S. Lewis says, "On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think about than our love for Him." The apostle John says that we love Him because He loved us first. Our love for Him is real but it is His UNSTOPPABLE, UNRELENTING, UNFAILING, NEVER-ENDING love for us upon which we must rest and build our lives or else we are left with the burden of religion.

God bless you and show you His week I'll share more on this.

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Lent - Day 4

"Above all, trust in the slow work of God... It is the law of all progress that it is made by passing through stages of instability... ...