Thursday, March 11, 2010

Knowing God through Prayer

The quote for this week's posting comes from Watchman Nee's book, "Spiritual Knowledge." In his chapter entitled "Knowing God in Prayer", Nee says the following,

"Many hardly have any experience of God answering their prayer. I do not mean they do not pray. I only mean their prayers are ineffective...The problem is that many know prayer only through the Bible; they do not know prayer in the presence of may pray fervently or casually, pray at length or briefly. Yet the strangest thing is, you never think of knowing God in such a time of prayer...Through this time of prayer you (should) come to know God a little more. Our knowledge ought not to come from reading the Bible alone; we must have it also directly from God."

Lord, thank You that prayer is about relating with You. Thank You that you want us to know You through prayer and that every time we pray, it is an opportunity to know and understand You - what's in Your heart and what You're thinking. Oh Lord, teach us to pray in such a way that we are continually going deeper into union with You. You are what we want; reveal Yourself to us in prayer for the sake of Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Our Accountability to God

Arthur W. Pink says in his book, "Our Accountability to God":

"The theology of the last century has failed lamentably at two essential points, namely, its teaching concerning God and its teaching concerning fallen man. As one writer expressed it, 'On the one hand, they have not ascended high enough...on the other hand, they do not descend low enough.' God is infinitely greater and His dominion far more absolute and extensive than more theologians admit, and man has sunk much lower and is far more depraved than they will allow."

Dear Lord, thank You that You do "not deal with us according to our sin nor repay us according to our iniquity"; increasingly open my eyes to see Your greatness and my utter lostness so that I may live in continual awe and gratitude and radical worship; deliver me from lukewarmness which comes from lack of revelation of how high You are and how low I am apart from You. Thank You, thank You, thank You for so great a salvation!

Selling Water by the River (5) - Gardeners, Not Guards, Needed in the Society of God

This will be the last of a series from Shane Hipps' book,  Selling Water By the River .  In the chapter about gardening Hipps contrasts ...