Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thoughts for Lent (4) - Like a Thief in the Night

Continuing our series from A Way Other Than Our Own...

Lent is a time set apart for us to recognize that the church is in a time of wilderness and wandering and must reconsider, rethink, and change our mind about many things. This reading by Walter Brueggemann looks at I Samuel 3:10..."Now the Lord came and stood there, calling as before, 'Samuel, Samuel!' And Samuel said, 'Speak, for your servant is listening.'"

God speaks to Samuel in the night..."Night is a time when we cannot see. Night is when we cannot control...Night is when things are unclear and beyond explanation...the old priest was slow to figure it out...something not routine was happening.

"The anthropologists call this 'liminality,' an unsettling feeling at the threshold of something new, when life is gathered into a wholly new configuration.

"...too often the church in our society is thought to be a place of unambiguous answers and sure certitudes, where we come settled and cocksure, and the spirit has no chance to change anything...Then emerges something new from God that comes like a thief in the night.

"The narrative suggests that the holy place must be understood with...nighttime bewilderment. For it is in such moments that we sort out the voices of address, and God works the newness of nurture and vocation, demand and promise and healing."

Dear Spirit, enable us who call ourselves by your name to be at peace and even expectation in this place of liminality; help us humble ourselves and recognize that we DO NOT KNOW very much and that "nighttime bewilderment" is our place of rest as you upend all that we have constructed to secure ourselves in order to lead us to the "something new from God that comes like a thief in the night." 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Thoughts for Lent (3) - Summoned Beyond Ourselves

This Lenten challenge is from the second Thursday of Lent reading in Walter Brueggemann's Lent devotional, A Way Other Than Our Own...

Matthew 15:28 "'...woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.' And her daughter was healed instantly."

"Jesus reached beyond his people, beyond his perceived mandate, beyond his tradition, extending himself to the 'other'. Notice that something powerful happens to Jesus in this narrative...She is the outsider who instructs the insider. She explains to Jesus his larger vocation that he had not yet embraced. He is willing, in turn, to be instructed by her...we can watch while Jesus rethinks his vocation and his mandate as Messiah...

"...this is the big issue for us in our coming world. All of us, to some extent, hold the line against the 'other.'...It is clear in these texts that the good news of God's love and God's healing and God's justice cannot be kept just for us and people like us...the pull of God's largeness summons all of us, often through the words and presence of 'the other.' 

"The old teaching of exclusion cannot fully protect us from God's pull to be a neighbor..."

Dear Lord, help me identify who 'the other' is in my world who I have decided should not be included in your family and who I won't listen to, thereby entrapping myself in my small world of small doctrines and small heartedness. Amen.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Thoughts for Lent (2) - On Terms Other than Our Own

On this first Tuesday of Lent in his Lent devotional A Way Other than Our Own, Walter Brueggemann speaks of a way of walking with God "on terms other than our own."

Exodus 33:19: God is gracious and merciful towards Israel after their turning to worship a false idol in the wilderness; but as God and Moses negotiate the terms for the future, it becomes clear that "the future is on God's terms...Israel is expected to give up all of its pet projects of religion, all of its favorite convictions, all of its conservative ideology, all of its liberal propensity, to notice that God has not signed on for any of our easy preferences...

"We people of faith do not have life on our terms. And we, like Moses, have to decide that we will walk into the future on terms other than our own."

This is as true for God's people today as it was for Moses and Israel; may we have the grace to do the hard work of discovering God's terms rather than settle for our "easy preferences".

Friday, February 16, 2024

Thoughts for Lent (1): A Way Other Than Our Own

During this season of Lent, I will occasionally share select thoughts from Walter Brueggemann's short devotional readings for Lent,  A Way Other than Our Own.

Today's reading (1st Friday of Lent) looks at Matthew 6:27 and challenges us to rethink our general approach to this season, that rather than giving our primary focus to our sin and suffering and self-denial, "we ask in fresh ways what the people clustered around Jesus make of the world they are in...Jesus affirmed that it's possible to be in the world in a new way, to be present to the people and problems around us with newness and freshness. The usual way of being in the world is anxiety..."

In Matt.6:27 Jesus asks, "Which of you, by being anxious, has ever added an inch to your lives?"

"Being defensive and frightened and coveting has never resulted in any gains...(Jesus) suggests another way: Seek the kingdom and his righteousness...

"The invitation is to get so involved in the emergence of humanness...that we don't have to be defending how it was, worried about what will happen to the things to which we have given our lives."

Brueggemann closes with this prayer:

"Free us, Lord, from our obsession with ourselves long enough to care for others; to be so concerned about the well-being of the human community that we don't have to worry about our place, our church, our class, our values, our vested interests. Help us to know the joy and freedom of putting all our trust in you. Amen."

Selling Water by the River (5) - Gardeners, Not Guards, Needed in the Society of God

This will be the last of a series from Shane Hipps' book,  Selling Water By the River .  In the chapter about gardening Hipps contrasts ...