Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reading Schedule for "In the Name of Jesus"

It's been good to get more participants making comments - thanks to all of you! And thanks for your input about the next book to read together. It looks like Henri Nouwen's In the Name of Jesus has narrowly won out, so we'll go with that one next. It's very short, however, so I'll let you know now that the book after that will be Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together.

Just so you know, Nouwen wrote In the Name of Jesus for people in leadership; however, the principles in the book are applicable to everyone.

The posting of July 28 will be final comments that I'll make on Screwtape Letters, so the reading schedule for In the Name of Jesus will be as follows:

Week of July 29 - August 4: The Prologue and Introduction
Week of August 5-11: Chapter One
Week of August 12-18: Chapter Two
Week of August 19-25: Chapter Three

These books can be gotten on or at a local bookstore...

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