Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Fullness of Time

I want to share a simple thought as we transition into the new year.

The Apostle Paul says in Galatians 4:4, "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons."

My simple thought concerning this reality is that I believe God is very precise in His timing. It's apparent that He must have certain things in place before He sends His appointed solution. This is most dramatically seen in the incarnation of the Son, but I believe it's a truth that can be applied in many different situations related to God's work in the earth and in human need.

The reason I find this very encouraging is that many of our prayers are not answered quickly and there is always strong temptation to be discouraged (lose courage and give up); in other words, the passing of time without visible answers tests our courage in prayer.

Most, if not all, of us are praying and trusting the Lord for breakthrough in one or more situations in our lives. I want to encourage you to not only continue to pray, but to pray with boldness and courage, because in the "fullness of time" when the Holy Spirit has everything set in place, He will send salvation if we pray and don't lose heart. (Luke 18:1 says, "And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.")

God is after so much more than what I am asking for; in other words, He delays the breakthrough because He understands that there are people He has to change and have in place, and there are circumstances that need to be in certain order, etc., before "the fullness of time" has come.

May the Spirit of God Who never tires nor grows discouraged breathe afresh on you in this new year and fill you with courage to continue to pray with faith in the One Who sent His Salvation to the earth in the "fullness of time" - not a moment too soon nor a moment too late. He is watching over your situation with great care and counts on your partnership in prayer as He meticulously sets into place all the necessary ingredients in order for the precise moment of the manifestation of His salvation.

God bless you as you step into the next season of your journey in Him in 2009!


  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    That is an excellent thought to consider. During difficult seasons, Holy Spirit reminds me of His purposefulness in my life. His timing is perfect.

    Something else I would add is a reference to "The Shack" by Paul Williams. In it, there is a dialogue between Mack and the Holy Spirit. Mack realizes that his entire life he has judged a situation good/bad according to the way it benefit him or made him feel. It's a good reminder to not just according to the way things make us feel. Rather, hold our situation before the Lord and allow Him to give the verdict.

    Bless you Nita!

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    When the darkness sets in, we will realize as believers, that Jesus is their and will be the light, that takes it away. All of it, from spreading any further, or from coming back. Today, many families are not only touched by what Jesus did, but live lives, in service to the families, that he blessed and touched. For he was the first to do so, with his, and with ours. If we only stop and be still to listen and know that he is God.


Selling Water by the River (5) - Gardeners, Not Guards, Needed in the Society of God

This will be the last of a series from Shane Hipps' book,  Selling Water By the River .  In the chapter about gardening Hipps contrasts ...