Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hebrews 11: Men and Women of Faith Living for Another Age

I received a response to last week's blog from a friend that I want to pass on to you this week. He wrote me the following short comment:

"I believe Hebrews 11:1 speaks that faith is living for the coming age. The whole chapter is testimonies of those who lived this way. Also, Romans 8:23-25."

So I thought this week I would simply give you this word and encourage you to go to Hebrews 11 and look at the list of saints there through the lens of what I shared last week: faith is giving priority to preparation for the age to come.

Just a reminder that the thing Jesus will be looking for among men and women on earth when He returns is faith, so it's imperative that we be people of faith now in the small daily choices in order to be ready to meet Him on that Day.

In the following chapter (Hebrews 12), the writer says that by pausing to consider that we are "surrounded" by such people of faith (people just like you and me with the same propensities and weaknesses) and that by continually contemplating Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith and His endurance of suffering and difficulty, we will be empowered to lay aside the hindrances (sins and weights) in order to run the same race of faith and receive the prize in the next age.

May the meditation on these lives and on Jesus Himself inspire faith and inner strength and resolve to continue to align our daily choices with the priorities of another age, devoting our resources and energies to that which will endure forever while trusting our heavenly Father to care for our needs in the present age.

God bless you and fill you with His joy this week!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I love what Nita, has to say here, her and allen both present the message of Jesus as the recipient of our lives, and the holder of our heart. We must be captivated by his strength, so our weaknesses do not take us away from the truth we find in seeking for the kingdom of God, daily in our lives. That doesn't mean we dissapear, and Jesus is left alone at the cross, this means, that he is with you, right where you are, and will take you heaven the same way, with him, to give you a body that won't no sickness and a home you can

    Men of Faith, whether mentioned in the book of Hebrews or not, our people that believe Jesus is the way to our healing a path to our trust, and the truth to our hopes. That go on forever in the goodness that is from heavenly places.


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