Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Excited about God

A.W. Pink says in his book,"Our Accountability to God", that "The theology of the last century has failed lamentably at two essential points, namely, its teaching concerning God and its teaching concerning fallen man. As one writer expressed it, 'On the one hand, they have not ascended high enough...on the other hand, they do not descend low enough.' God is infinitely greater and His dominion far more absolute and extensive than most theologians admit, and man has sunk much lower and is far more depraved than they will allow."

I am very grateful for the journey the Holy Spirit has led me in over my life up until now; but I am just as grateful that He's not nearly finished with me yet! Years ago I read a quote from Catherine Marshall in which she said that excitement and enthusiasm for God grows as one truly matures in God's love and life.

Often we think that excitement about God is for the "immature" and those in the early stages of life in God, and that it's to be expected that our emotions about God get tempered as we grow in Him. I wonder if that idea might partly be rooted in the weak theology referred to by A.W. Pink in the quote above.

If excitement about God is only for us when we've first been delivered from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light, then I suspect we don't have clear ongoing understanding and revelation of Who God is and who we are apart from Him.

Although the excitement isn't always in the surface emotions, I am much more excited about God now than I was in the early years of my life in Him. Even a short few minutes of meditating by His Spirit on His infinite beauty and power and sovereign leadership of humanity coupled with pondering how deeply lost I am at every point without Him awakens deep emotion within me. I pray I will never become sophisticated about God.

A.W. Tozer says in "Whatever Happened to Worship?", "I have had people tell me very dogmatically that they will never allow 'feeling' to have any part in their spiritual life and experience. I reply, 'Too bad for you!' I say that because I have voiced a very real definition of what I believe true worship to be: worship is to feel in the heart!" He goes on to say that there is something wrong with our worship if we don't experience emotions over God.

Holy Spirit, You Who love the Father and the Son with fiery passion, keep us in a place of childlikeness; open the eyes of our heart to see the true and living God and to see our true condition without Him. May we never speak of Jesus with a cold, hard heart, by Your grace. Thank You for Your faithful work in us to help us love Him with Your love.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Nita! We are allowed to get super excited about Him and with Him; I'm so glad I don't have to grow up and lose this excitement for my Beloved!!!!


Selling Water by the River (5) - Gardeners, Not Guards, Needed in the Society of God

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