Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Looking into the Face of Jesus: The Psalms and the Gospels

Frank Lake (from "Clinical Theology"):

"It is the purpose of the Psalms and the Gospels to destroy every ground of faith in ourselves so that we cherish no delusions on that score at all...The countenance of God, for which (the psalmist)looked so eagerly, has been revealed in the Face of Jesus Christ (II Cor. 4:6)."

One implication of Lake's words is that to look away from oneself in order to look into the face of Jesus is to refuse to put my faith in myself. Introspection is a subtle form of self-worship and self reliance, because what I give my focus and attention to is what I worship, and what I give my focus and attention to is where I am hoping to find the solution for my need.

As I age in the Lord, I gravitate increasingly towards the Psalms and the Gospels because it is wonderful material to help me "look away unto Jesus" the Messiah (Heb. 12:2). The Psalms express the human longing for God and the Gospels tell what He is like in Jesus the Messiah.

Holy Spirit of Jesus, thank You for the Scriptures that You have given, all of which points to Jesus our only Hope and Salvation. Thank You for the Psalms, the expression of the human longing for intimacy with God; and thank You for the Gospels where we see what the Father is like in the God-Man. Would you set Your Word on fire in our hearts so that we are warmed by Your affections for us and in turn we burn in affection for You; and would You cause Your Word to be like a hammer that breaks off the strongholds of half truths in our minds so that we see the true and living God for Who He really is. We love Your work even when it causes pain...increase Your work in us for the glory of God the Father and the Son! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, Nita! Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the encouragements to keep looking to Jesus!



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