Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Grateful for a Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken - Part 2

Since writing last week's post based on Heb. 12:26-29, I keep thinking about how wonderful it is to have solid ground on which to stand and a sure path to follow in the midst of an increasingly chaotic world (even in the Church). As I've pondered this Kingdom a bit this week, the cross of Jesus has loomed large in my heart and mind - it is the foundation on which this unshakeable Kingdom is established.

Some of the sources that I can see shaking God's people are:
1. current events in the world (political, international, weather, etc.),
2. disorientation that comes from too much information coming at us too fast,
3. the instant spreading of teachings and personal opinions related to Christian doctrines,
4. questions and wonderings resulting from children wandering from truths they were raised in,
5. our helplessness to change circumstances that we desperately want to see changed,
6. disillusionment with long-standing ineffective ways of doing God's work in the world,
7. etc., etc.
I wonder if God is using all of this to shake some faulty foundations on which we have stood so that HIS foundation (the cross of Christ) will be our only stability.

Jesus is the only solid Rock on which we must stand; "all other ground is sinking sand." But Jesus is only solid ground if we see Him rightly, and I believe that this seeing comes by the ministry of His Spirit revealing Him in light of the cross. His self-giving death (the climax of a self-giving life) is the solid foundation of the Kingdom that cannot be shaken and therefore is the only solid ground that we have to stand on.

Jesus, THANK YOU for Your cross and suffering and the limitless implications of that for our stability now and for all eternity. Holy Spirit, would You make the cross of Jesus more real to us Your people so that our feet stand on solid ground in these uncertain days. Thank You!

(Next week I plan to touch a little more on the cross of Christ as the foundation of God's unshakeable Kingdom.)

1 comment:

  1. Without excuse the bible says. About our getting to know him. He said let the rocks, cry out, they did not but can't even be shaken. They know that they know, the son of God is for reals, and therefore lay and is it's foundation. We out to know it so well, and therefore exist to worship him. That is what Jesus and those rocks are waiting for.


Selling Water by the River (5) - Gardeners, Not Guards, Needed in the Society of God

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