Thursday, June 09, 2011

Grateful for a Kingdom that Cannot be Shaken - Part 4

One more thought on the topic of the unshakeable kingdom and it's about the cross as the solid foundation of this Kingdom and the ground on which we find solid footing.

As I listen to and watch followers of Jesus these days, I'm observing increased insecurity and confusion about a variety of topics related to God and final judgment and the age to come, etc. Some of this insecurity is related to the proliferation of doctrinal views and opinions that are so easily accessed now through technology. We need solid ground on which to stand, and that ground is the cross of Jesus. There we see the true nature of the Father which is the nature of this unshakeable Kingdom.

I have a wonderful children's Bible story book that starts out saying something to this effect: "Most people think the Bible is a book of rules...about what people should do or not do; and while it does show the way life works best, it's not mainly about what we do or don't do but about what GOD has done!"

The cross is the full expression of all that God is and has done, and only there can we see and understand what His kingdom is built on, and it is in looking to that great work and living by faith in it that we find alignment with His kingdom. How this looks practically in our lives is a whole other topic, but here I simply want to point us to the cross as the sure and unchanging reference point in these days when so much is swirling around us.

Thank You, Father, for giving Your Son unselfishly; thank You, Jesus, for loving and obeying to the point of death; thank You, Holy Spirit, for raising Jesus from the dead and therein making a way for many sons and daughters to be raised in Him! Thank You that You haven't left us to be tossed about by the many winds of human opinions and that the foundation of Your unshakeable Kingdom is the solid ground on which we stand by faith. We are grateful for a kingdom that cannot be shaken...all praise to You!

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