Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Therese of Lisieux - Core Elements of the "Little Way"

As we anticipate looking soon at Therese of Lisieux's "little way", the following thought comes to me about such a person: she demonstrates that love never fails (I Corinthians 13:8).
Last year I wrote a post on this topic:

Therese did nothing extraordinary in her short life, but she learned to love and embrace all. She lived the life of Jesus right where she was, loving Him through loving those that He had placed in her life. There are time when I wonder how I can be more active in serving the Lord, forgetting that there are people and situations in my immediate world that I can love and serve in the simplest and most insignificant ways.

I easily forget that the love of God, poured out through me to others, never fails even though I may see no resulting fruit from it. Therese trusted in the love of the Father poured through her to others. Hers was the simplicity of a child.

In the introduction of the book, the core elements of the Little Way are listed:
  1. Joyful humility as a little child of God
  2. Bold confidence in God's mercy and loving-kindness
  3. Tranquil trust in the actions of God limitless love
  4. Persistence in prayer as a simple raising of the heart to God
  5. Daily practice of the little way of love
The first four elements enable us to see the small things that we can do daily to show the love of God to others...

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