Monday, November 25, 2013

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God other admonitions listed at the end of the book of Jude is the phrase, "keep yourselves in the love of God." It's a phrase that caught my attention many years ago and still does from time to time now.

I used to think it was an admonition to live such a life that would keep us under the shelter of God's love - for example, if I am diligent to practice spiritual disciplines, then I'm keeping myself in the "vicinity", so to speak, of the love of God.

There may be a sense in which that is true, but that interpretation could suggest that God's love is conditional and limited. I wonder now if it's more about doing the "work" of continually listening and watching for expressions and signs of God's affection and enjoyment of us so that we then live in love and affection towards others as an overflow of knowing we are loved by Him. It's this ongoing realization that I am loved and enjoyed by God that causes my heart to continue to expand and to be in touch with life and with those that I am in contact with daily.

The following are a couple of ways that come to mind that we can do to actively live and grow in the love of God:
1. Read and study scripture that focuses on God's unchanging love and affection for humans and ask Him to help you hear that for you personally.
2. Take a few moments in the day to ask Him, "Father, what do You think of me?", and let Him affirm you even when you feel terrible about yourself.
3. Ask the Lord to help you be alert and aware throughout the day to signs and expressions of His affection for you whether that comes through another person or circumstance...

Jude 21 "Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life."

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