Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lent #8: Resurrection Day - Events which Blew the World Apart and Put It Back in a New Way

This final post in the series from NT Wright's book, Lent for Everyone - Matthew, is taken from 'Easter Day' and is based on the portion in Matthew 28:1-10. This is Matthew's account of Jesus' resurrection:

"Earthquakes, angels, women running to and fro, a strange command...Nobody thought in the first century, and nobody should think now, that the point of the Easter story is that it is quite a reasonable thing to happen...No. It was always a strange, crazy, wild story...If Jesus of Nazareth really was the Son of God...What else would you expect? A calm restatement of some philosophical truths for sage old greybeards to ponder - or events which blew the world apart and put it back in a new way?"

Wright goes on to talk about the role of the women in this story and how they were not considered reliable witnesses in a court of law. The fact that the Gospel writers acknowledge their role in witnessing to the resurrection is a strong case that they weren't making this story up! God always chooses the weak things of the world to confound the strong...

"But the main thing is that, once more, they are told not to be afraid (vs 5). What is there to be afraid of, if Easter has dealt with the greatest monster of all, death itself? Why should you be afraid of anything, if Jesus has been raised from the dead, if the old world has cracked open and a new world has been born?

"And Easter always looks outward. From the very start, the news that Jesus is risen contains a command: 'Go!' Go, first to Galilee; go back to where it began, back to your roots to meet the risen Jesus there and watch him transform everything, including your oldest memories. And, as you obey the command of the angel, Jesus himself may perhaps meet you in person (vs 9). Take hold of him. Worship him. This is his day, the Day of Days. Make it yours too."

"We praise you, Lord Jesus Christ, because you have overcome death, and opened God's new creation to all believers."

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