Sunday, March 22, 2009

Andrew Murray on Prayer

This week I want to give you some quotes from Andrew Murray's writings on prayer that have stood out to me recently from his book, Teach Me to Pray.

Andrew Murray was a Christian pastor in South Africa in the 19th century and is known for His intimate walk with Jesus and passion that others would know Him in the same way. One biography says of him, "Andrew Murray and his wife, Emma, had nine children, and their home was an endless stream of activity. He learned early on that laughter and the fellowship of friends and family were two of life's richest blessings. And yet he often prayed for that ultimate Friendship, 'May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love and joy of God's presence.'"

The remainder of this posting is quotes from Andrew Murray in this book; though this is a short excerpt from his book, they are strong statements for digesting, so I will let them speak for themselves, and encourage you to ponder them and speak to the Lord about what the author is saying. I pray that we, God's people in this generation, will both individually and corporately become people of believing prayer as we approach the end of the age...

"Teach Me to Pray" has been written because of a deep conviction that the place and power of prayer in the Christian life has not been fully understood. As long as we look at prayer chiefly as the means of maintaining our own Christian life, we cannot fully know what it is intended to be. But when we learn to regard it as the most important work entrusted to us and as the root and strength of all other work, then we understand that there is nothing we need more than to study and practice the art of praying in the correct manner.

Of all the Christlike traits, none is greater and more glorious than conformity to Him in the work that engages Him without ceasing in the Father’s presence: His all-prevailing intercession.

Through intercession, the Church finds and exercises its highest power…Only when the church yields itself to this holy work of intercession can it expect the power of Christ to be manifested on its behalf.

"Lord, teach us to pray..."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Prayer, is important, because it has you listening to God.

    This time your not the one talking, and if it is a set of directions you need to get somewhere, well now you know, the route you must take.

    Unless we hear from God, unless we pray, we won't know the way home, to the one that comes to us, eternal in the brightsest sunshine ever seen, in the dawn of a day.


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