Monday, December 30, 2013

God: Infinitely Beyond All We Can Imagine!

From a prayer of George MacDonald's:

"In spite of all our fears and weaknesses and wrongs, thou wilt be to us what thou art - such a perfect Father as no most loving child-heart on earth could invent the thought of! Thou wilt take our sins on thyself, giving us thy life besides. Thou bearest our griefs and carriest our sorrows, and surely thou wilt one day enable us to pay every debt we owe to each other! Thou wilt be to us a right generous, abundant Father! 

Then truly our hearts shall be jubilant, because thou art what thou art - infinitely beyond all we could imagine. Thou wilt humble and raise us up. Thou hast given thyself to us that, having thee, we may be eternally alive with life. 

We run within the circle of what men call thy wrath, and find ourselves clasped in the arms of thy love!"

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