Thursday, June 15, 2006

Screwtape Letters - Week #3

Hi! This is Sue Shetler and I am blogging for Nita while she is on vacation. Nita will be back to the blog next week.

The Screwtape Letters was assigned reading in my secular college’s English course back in the 70’s. I was a new Christian then. I remember thinking how much I wished I could explain the truths to others in my class about God and Satan. However, it was enough for me to try to understand C. S. Lewis and what he was saying! I couldn’t manage explaining it to others.

So, 30 years later I am reading it again. I thought it would come much more easily to me this time, but I find I still have to concentrate and think really hard as I read in order to comprehend the truths. Can any one relate?

This coming week we will be reading chapters 9 – 12. I’ve written out some questions, in case you like to learn that way. Please feel free to answer the questions in the blog or simply write any thoughts that come to your mind as you read the chapters. If you are having problems knowing how to write your comments in the blog, click on the “Learn How to Comment” link below.

Chapter 9
How does Satan work in the “dull, dry times” in our lives?

Chapter 10
How does Satan use relationships to pull us away from God?
Screwtape told Wormwood how to tempt his patient into wasting time. How do we avoid wasting time?

Chapter 11
Why would Satan have disdain for joy and fun?
How can humor be twisted?

Chapter 12
How can a churchgoer be “heading right away from the sun on a line which will carry him into the cold and dark of utmost space?”
Lewis describes the gradual road to hell. How does it begin?

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1 comment:

  1. Just a comment in response to the question from "Anonymous" about the title "patient" for the believer that Wormwood is assigned to...I chatted a little with a couple of people about this, and we concluded that the word "patient" carried in it the sense of being carefully watched over and "cared" for with a specific purpose in mind. This would fit what Screwtape and Wormwood are attempting to do with this new believer - carefully direct him away from the "Enemy." There may be more to it but this may help a bit...


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