Sunday, December 04, 2016

December Prayers: Longing to Know God

As the year draws to a close, I plan to periodically share simple prayers from scripture and other sources with the hope that the reader's heart will be strengthened and encouraged to complete the year in peace and grace and to face the new year with hope.

I begin with the following prayer from Cuigo the Carthusian:

Lord, you are not seen except by the pure of heart. I seek by reading and meditating what is true purity of heart and how it may be had, so that with its help I may know you, if only a little.
Lord, for long I have meditated in my heart, seeking to see your face. It is the sight of you, Lord, that I have sought; and all the while in my meditation the fire of longing, the desire to know you  more fully, has increased...So give me, Lord, some pledge of what I hope to inherit, at least one drop of heavenly rain with which to refresh my thirst, for I am on fire with love. 

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